Welcome CU Anschutz to the GCF Health Huddle team!

We're so excited to have the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus on board with our Health Huddle and are planning some exciting things in 2021.

How does this impact our audience? Glad you asked.

As one of our premier Health Huddle partners, we'll be able to promote even more mental health, healthy habits and sports performance content across our channels. And, once we're allowed, we'll have in-person events with their experts.

In the meantime, here are some ways you can connect with their experts:

Mind the Brain: A weekly series featuring faculty experts on mental health topics in the time of COVID-19. Sign up for the weekly newsletter HERE.

Resources for Parents: Links to help you talk to your child(ren) about COVID, activities for kids, work-from-home help, and more!

Resources for Mindfulness, Relaxation, Anxiety & Well-Being: Resources to help you stay connected to your emotions.

Want weekly updates?

Subscribe to CU Anschutz Today

Subscribe to Mind the Brain

Listen to Crazed: A podcast about mental health innovation

Listen to Unstoppable: A podcast about beating adversity and winning at life. Hosted by Les Shapiro and Vic Lombardi.

Stay tuned for more information about some new events coming soon!