What Do The New “Levels of Play” Mean?

You may have noticed that Gold Crown Foundation is expanding our league offerings for the 2019 – 2020 season.

Why are we doing this?

Since 1986, it has been Gold Crown Foundation’s mission to fill voids and provide opportunities in our community through youth sports and education programs. While our current sports leagues are still a safe, competitive, and quality place for Colorado kids to play, we have found that we have been turning too many participants away from our basketball and volleyball leagues due to some of our leagues’ rules.

This needed to change.

Coming this fall and winter, we are proud to offer the first ever Gold Crown Recreational Volleyball and Recreational Basketball Leagues.

What does that mean? 

Participants will now be able to play in a Gold Crown League without joining a team first. Recreational leagues will place players on teams (you can come with friends or teammates), and the leagues will use a practice/play model. This is a great opportunity for young athletes to be exposed to Gold Crown programs while they are learning the sport.

What about the Gold Crown Feeder Leagues?

As the backbone of Gold Crown Foundation, our feeder leagues are still in place! Teams will still form based on where players attend school and play under their high school team name. There will also be some opportunities for teams that do not fit the 60% roster rules to play in an open division.

To help clarify the different levels of youth sports offerings, each sports program (leagues, camps, clinics and tournaments) will be categorized as “Recreational, Competitive or Elite” moving forward. Below is a general guideline of the various levels of play that Gold Crown Foundation offers.

Recreational: For the player that is at the beginner level, or who has been playing for around 3 years or less. They are either new to the sport, have some experience playing in camps or at school. Players are focused on learning the fundamentals, developing proper skills, learning how to play on a team and having fun.

Competitive: For the player who is established with the sport and been playing for around 3-5 years. They have experience playing on teams in a league and/or tournament setting. They know team basics and fundamentals and are capable of playing at a quick pace. Gold level: Established teams and/or players. Silver level: Newer teams ready to advance after recreational leagues.

Elite: For the advanced athlete with over 5 years of experience. They play frequently, sometimes for multiple teams and multiple seasons, and have experience on a traveling club team. Games are played at a quick pace and players are athletic, skilled and explosive.

With this expansion, we hope you will find the right program for your child so they can experience what Gold Crown youth sports programs are all about.

What’s coming up next?

Visit the Calendar to see what the next Gold Crown programs are.