Off-Season Healthy Habits

It shouldn’t feel like the off-season right now at Gold Crown, but 2020 has been…a lot. While our staff is prepped and ready to open our doors the moment we’re allowed, we can’t predict when we’ll get clearance. BUT…good news. There are plenty of things you can do now to stay in shape and be your best self when the seasons return.


Is it just us or have sleep habits been a mess this year? Bedtimes are different, mornings feel earlier and how many of us are guilty of restless nights? Sleep is important. Very important. But Why?


If sleep has felt off lately ask these questions:

  • Have you spent more time on your phone (especially at night)?
  • Is your schedule inconsistent?
  • Am you tired all the time?

Any YES answers? Here are some goals you can set:


Did you know athletes need 3 meals and 1-3 snacks each day? OK great, but what should be IN those meals and snacks? Focus on protein, carbs and color.


Water is an essential nutrient. That’s not new. Most athletes, however, are under-hydrated, but there are different ways to meet daily recommendations. Water, milk, tea and 100% juice all count toward your daily intake. Soda, sweetened coffee and sports drinks, unfortunately, do not. One thing that shouldn’t be on the menu for athletes? CAFFEINE.


Most of the above information is not new news. We get it. Busy schedules can interrupt healthy habits. If we’re being honest, 2020 by itself has disrupted plenty of healthy habits so how can you get back on track or start fresh?

Pick one habit and start there. Only one. Maybe it’s removing processed sugars from your diet. OR maybe it’s as simple as upping your water intake every day for two weeks. Two weeks. That’s it. Focus on one healthy habit for two weeks. Then, pick another healthy habit the next two weeks and add that to your routine. Before you know it, you’ll be ready for in-season practice and competition…and we’re hoping that will be soon!

**Interested in learning more about healthy habits you can establish at home? Contact Amanda Turner, Children’s Hospital Colorado Dietitian at 720-777-3101 or [email protected].