Mentor Appreciation Month

January is International Mentoring Month! At The Clubhouse, mentors are a unique community of volunteers who come together to create, invent, and explore with current members using the latest in technology. Our mentors become an extended part of the Gold Crown Foundation family and words cannot describe how grateful we are for their commitment. Below are a few of our current mentors.

Meet Peter! He is the First Tech Challenge robotics coach. He has been running our robotics team for 3 years now and continues to teach the kids how to build and operate robots. He was the coaching mastermind with three teens who created a robot that could shoot, and make, a three-point shot on the basketball court. The Denver Nuggets even featured their work.

Meet Charity! She has been a learning coach who started with us this summer at camp and has been with the Remote Learning Support Program from its inception. She is extremely supportive, helpful and cares deeply for each youth in her pod. The students love seeing her each day and she is continuing to build relationships and be a bright spot during these hard times.

Meet Celine! Celine is not only a current mentor but also a Clubhouse and C2C Pathways to Success Alumna who wanted to make a different in the lives of youth. She is working as an assistant to Clubhouse Coordinator, Brittany, and has been helping as a Learning Coach during the Remote Learning Program.

Meet Greg! Greg is one of our longest tenured mentors as he has been mentoring in the Best Buy Teen Tech Center for years. He heads up the aquaponics tank and looks after our friendly gecko, as well as engaging youth interested in learning more about aquaponics. Members love interacting with Greg each week.


Meet Zach! Zach is another Clubhouse and C2C Pathways to Success Alumnus who wanted to pay it forward by becoming a mentor. He attends the C2C Pathways workshops and helps mentor youth as they navigate through professional development. He serves as a great role model for the current program participants.