The newest info on Healthy Habits
Life can be hectic. But how do we help youth build the best habits in today’s fast-paced world? It’s all about finding that sweet spot between eating right, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. And let’s not forget about the digital age – how much screen time is too much, and how does it affect their lifestyle and growth? Teaching healthy habits starts early, and as grown-ups, we get to lead the way by example. Dive into solutions and explore more resources on nurturing those "Healthy Habits" below!
By the facts...
"Research shows that nutrition education can teach students to recognize how healthy diet influences emotional well-being and how emotions may influence eating habits."
1/10 as likely to be obese
Up to 40% higher test scores
Less smoking & drug use
15% more likely to go to college
Lower levels of depression & self-derogation
Higher self-esteem
7-8% higher annual earnings
Lower health costs
Reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer & diabetes
Source: The Aspen Institute Project Play
Increased accuracy and reaction times
Higher energy due to improved glucose metabolism
Better and happier mood
Muscle memory activation
Better reaction time, coordination, quick decision-making
Decreased levels of cortisol (stress hormone)
HGH secreted for tissue repair and muscle/bone development
Lower risk of illness and faster recovery time
Overall performance
Source: Children's Hospital Colorado
Sleep for Student Athletes Impacts Performance
Did you know that sleep (or lack of) can impact injury risk and recovery time in a young athlete? Did you also know that only 20% of teens get the...
11 Ways to Get Your Kids to Drink More Water
Summertime is here, making hydration more crucial than ever. With all the fun activities, drinking water might not be top of mind for your child. Thankfully, our partners at Children's...
Are Supplements Safe?
Supplements promise to make young athletes faster, leaner, stronger and healthier. But what do we really know about that promise when it comes to the safety and efficacy of supplements?...
Bullying 101 and Prevention Tips
October is National Bullying Prevention Month and unfortunately is still a prevalent issue with today's youth. Similar to other issues, research shows that you can stop bullying over time when...
Calcium and Vitamin D Deficiency: What You Need to Know
Remember the ads several years ago that had famous athletes drinking milk and were left with the famous milk mustache? At the time, it might have seemed silly that an...
What to Eat When You’re on the Road
Traveling with your child’s sports team for summer tournaments is exciting, but it can also be disruptive to your family’s normal eating habits and routines, which in turn can affect...
Sports Dehydration Safety Tips
The summer heat is hard to beat! It is essential to stay hydrated on a daily basis, but especially in the summer and even more so when your spending extended...
How to Eat Before a Competition
When it comes to competition days, what your young athlete eats can matter just as much as the other preparations they take to be successful. High-fat content meals, like the...
How to Keep Your Kids Calm with Mindful Eating
During stressful times, it’s common to eat salty, sweet or high-fat foods. Unfortunately, these comfort foods can often make stress and anxiety worse. By practicing mindful eating, you can calm...
- Call 720-777-0123 to receive free health care advice from Children's Hospital Colorado registered nurses.
- Live person will answer 24/7.
- Information available for over 200 pediatric topics and community resources.
- Find a physician in your area.
- Poor / excessive weight gain
- Obesity
- Food allergies or intolerances
- Swallowing/feeding and digestive disorders
- Sports medicine nutrition
- Autism, cystic fibrosis and more...
Looking for help on these topics? Learn more
How can you control your child's screentime use? Try these apps.
- Circle with Aura
- OurPact
- Screentime in iPhone settings
Find A Doctor
Tap into the World class pediatric experts in a variety of specialty areas at Children’s Hospital Colorado for anything from the top of their heads, to the tips of their toes. To find the right doctor for you, please visit their website to find the top ranked team of experts.