GCF Update During COVID-19

AS OF FEBRUARY 12, 2021:

The health and safety of all persons entering our facility is our highest priority. This includes players, spectators, coaches, officials and staff.

  • Masks are encouraged, but not required inside the Gold Crown Field House.
  • Do not enter the Gold Crown Field House if you show any symptoms related to COVID-19, including but not limited to: cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fever (≥100.4 , chills, body/muscle aches (not related to physical activity), fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, or vomiting. Please be respectful of other guest’s safety and practice social distancing and proper hygiene at all times. Gold Crown Foundation reserves the right to deny access or remove any persons from our premises for any reason.
  • All persons entering the Gold Crown Field House are encouraged to maintain a distance of six feet from people of other households.

**The facility will be disinfected each week with non-corrosive, non-toxic, EPA-registered disinfectant that kills 47 pathogens including COVID-19, which lasts for 7 days**

Gold Crown Foundation reserves the right to close the Gold Crown Field House and/or suspend any program in the event of an ill participant, coach or spectator.


  1. Stacy GaleyApril 27, 2020

    I’d love to find out when and if summer camps at Gold Crown will happen.

    1. Meghan OvertonApril 30, 2020

      Hi Stacy,
      As of today (4/30) we are planning on running our summer camps (basketball, volleyball and STEAM). We will wait and see what restrictions are in place for June/July and make sure to abide by them all. As we know more we will share it as well.

  2. Shannon AshleyApril 29, 2020


    Did we ever get a refund for 3 on 3 basketball?


    1. Meghan OvertonApril 30, 2020

      We currently do not run a 3on3 basketball league. Our spring programs were the Spring Training Series and Gym Rats…both of which received refunds. Was your child enrolled in one of those?

  3. Emily HagamanMay 11, 2020

    Looking for info on the Jr. Nuggets camp that is scheduled for June 1-4…is this taking place?
    If not, who, where and how do we find a contact for a refund?

    1. Meghan OvertonMay 14, 2020

      Hi Emily. That camp is run by an outside group (Jr. Nuggets) who has rented our facility. We are still navigating what our June facility operating plans will be with the City of Lakewood. I recommend checking with the Jr. Nuggets on their refund policy in the meantime.

  4. YmeldaMay 29, 2020

    We were in a 3 on 3 league right before the shit down! We never received a refund? Who do I talk to about that?

    1. Meghan OvertonJune 5, 2020

      The 3on3 League is not a Gold Crown Program, they were only renting the facility, and we did not collect any revenue. I would contact the group who was running the league to get your refund.

  5. Neilin CooperJuly 2, 2020

    My son’s baseball team is in the 4th of July baseball tournament by ColoradoClassicBaseball and some of the games are at the All-Star stadium. We just heard parents aren’t allowed to come watch the game because your stadium isn’t allowing spectators. This is High School baseball and there are literally 20 people in the stands. I am pretty sure we can social distance and be responsible with such small numbers. Why wouldn’t the stadium allow small audiences in as long as social distancing can be maintained? I get it for large crowd events, but I am really hoping we can use some common sense for smaller events so we can go watch our kids play ball. It doesn’t need to be a one case fits all events.

    1. Meghan OvertonJuly 15, 2020

      Neilin – We are operating on a case by case basis for all of our events based on current city and state guidelines.

  6. Amber N SisnerosJuly 5, 2020

    I am looking for information about the Denver Nuggets BB camp on July 28th-30th. Is the camp still going to happen?

    1. Meghan OvertonJuly 7, 2020

      Hi – we are running the camp but the correct dates are July 13 – 16 or July 20 – 23, depending on what session you are looking for.

  7. Kim WhiteJuly 17, 2020

    My son is playing at your park on Sunday, 7.19.20 at 9:30 am. This is a collegiate baseball game between a local team and a collegiate team from Liberal, Kansas. Parents have traveled from several different states to watch them play this weekend – some as far away as south Texas. There were a total of 30 fans at their game last night – between both teams. Could you consider allowing spectators at this game on Sunday with the understanding that face masks and social distancing are required?
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Kim White

    1. Meghan OvertonJuly 17, 2020

      Thank you for reaching out. Currently, Jefferson County, where All Star Park is located, has a strict maximum capacity limit on all facilities. This is the reason for limited spectators. However, to help accommodate teams/spectators in a safe manner, there are multiple viewing areas just outside the fences where you can view the games. We do require all spectators to maintain at least 6 ft. of social distancing and wear a face covering due to the current state mandate.

  8. Kim WhiteJuly 17, 2020

    Thank you Meghan for responding so quickly. We will watch from outside the fences. I know this is a hard time for everyone. Thank you for the information.


  9. Thomas T AdamsJuly 22, 2020

    For the basketball tournament on 8/9/2020, are parents allowed in the gym to watch their child play?

    1. Meghan OvertonJuly 27, 2020

      We will assess a few days prior to the tournament and make an announcement. Our decision will be based on how many people are allowed in a physical area based on current Jeffco guidelines.

  10. Jordan HoltzSeptember 16, 2020

    For the upcoming Gold Crown volleyball season, will spectators be allowed to watch the matches?

    1. Meghan OvertonSeptember 23, 2020

      Yes! We are allowing one spectator per player for the Fall Volleyball League. All spectators must wear a mask and abide by social distancing guidelines. Updated and detailed Health Guidelines are available on the league page.

  11. Casey HawkOctober 16, 2020

    I am coaching both my 6th and 8th grade basketball teams in the Fall League; May I bring an Assistant, and May spectators attend? We start next Monday and Wednesday.

    1. Meghan OvertonOctober 20, 2020

      Hi Coach! You should have received an email with details, but each team will be allowed 23 individuals to enter. This includes coaches, players, one volunteer scorekeeper and parents/spectators.

  12. alijahNovember 10, 2020

    so will i be able to play tuesday

    1. Meghan OvertonNovember 12, 2020

      Unfortunately, due to the current Jeffco Public Health Guidelines we are not allowed to run any sports leagues. We are hoping to continue the Fall Middle School League season and will let you coach know if/when we are able to do so.

  13. Erica ArcherDecember 10, 2020

    Is the season going to start in January?

    1. Meghan OvertonDecember 15, 2020

      We are currently working on a few contingency plans for the 2021 basketball season. It could be delaying the start date, shortening the season, or a different format. We will be communicating that information soon.

  14. KellyJanuary 2, 2021

    League is supposed to start next weekend. Any update?

    1. Meghan OvertonJanuary 4, 2021

      We have been in communication with league coaches. While the league won’t start as scheduled on the 9th/10th, we are planning on starting later in January.

  15. DavidJanuary 26, 2021

    When playing any sport it is very important for athletes to get as much oxygen as possible in order to play at their full potential and for health reasons. Is it anyway that the players in the game can be allowed to not wear their face coverings while they are actively running up and down the court because I don’t think they even practice like that and I tried personally to do it and it is very difficult to say the least . Thank you.

    1. Meghan OvertonJanuary 27, 2021

      The current CDPHE variance we have received allows us to hold games as long all participants, coaches and officials wear masks at all times among other restrictions. We agree with you and continue to work with the state to make things easier for our athletes. To keep playing games at this time we must comply, but given the first opportunity to remove this restriction we will.

  16. Erica ArcherFebruary 1, 2021

    Will there by chance be any type of stream setup so the parents can still watch the game?

    1. Meghan OvertonFebruary 10, 2021

      We now have livestreaming set up! You can view more information here: https://www.goldcrownfoundation.com/watch-games-live/

  17. KellyFebruary 3, 2021

    Would you consider changing the guidelines to allow 15 people per team instead of designating 12 player and 3 adults? If a team has less than 12 players it would be really great to have 2 coaches, a scorekeeper and a parent to run video for the game. This is a simple fix and would not increase any numbers for capacity.

    1. Meghan OvertonFebruary 10, 2021

      Our program staff has evaluated several options for spectator guidelines. While they currently remain the same, we are working hard to evaluate the safety and logistics behind allowing more spectators. We are targeting a date in the near future where we will allow limited spectators. We plan to make an announcement of our plans moving forward by next week.

  18. AnnFebruary 7, 2021

    This past Friday, the Governor took us down to Yellow on the Covid dial and it went into affect yesterday, Feb 6 at 9am. I know some area high schools went ahead and applied this yesterday to their allowed attendance levels at high school sporting events. When do you anticipate Gold Crown coming out with new guidelines that allow more people in the gym? Thank you.

    1. Meghan OvertonFebruary 10, 2021

      As we continue to expand our ability to host games we realize getting spectators back into our facility is an important piece. Currently, we are not allowing spectators but we are working hard to evaluate the safety and logistics behind making that happen. We are targeting a date in the near future where we will allow limited spectators. We plan to make an announcement of our plans moving forward by next week.

      1. Jeff MooneyFebruary 11, 2021

        Thank you. This is very important to the families of players.

  19. Bobby GreeneNovember 26, 2021

    Kids (or anyone) breathing heavily into masks during physical exertion is not healthy as their CO2 intake increases many times over. I hope GC is in contact with the county health officials in seeking a waiver for players on the court. I can put up with masked spectators, coaches, and players on the bench. It kills me to see my kids having to wear masks while exercising, especially when there has never been any correlation between mask wearing and a reduction in Covid cases.

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