Tournaments for players who are either not playing regularly in varsity events, or for players who want to work on their golf game in the fall golf season. These are great opportunities to get extra experience playing in a tournament setting and gives your JV players extra experience.
Tournament Features:
- Open to 9th – 12th grade boys and girls
- 9-hole tournaments at various Denver metro area courses
- Northern & Southern courses available
- Team and Individual registration available
- Coach Registration Instructions: You are registering the players not yourself, which is different than last year. Make sure you have your players name (or player/school #1, #2, etc. as their name) in your account. For example, if Gold Crown is bringing 10 players, to a tournament, I would add Gold Crown #1, Gold Crown #2, etc. as a player/child in my account before signing up the tournaments.
- Then add each player to one tee time. So, under enrollee you would choose your player (Gold Crown #1), then under enrollment type, you would choose player, then program would be Back-To-School High School Golf, then the tournament and tee time you want that player to register for.
Dates and Times:
August 19 - September 11, 2025
Tuesdays: North Courses
Thursdays: South Courses
Registration Fee:
$25/player per tournament
Registration opens this summer!
8 days prior to each tournament