These are great opportunities for the Gold Crown Community to attend college volleyball games. These nights will be "Gold Crown Nights" and will vary by each college.
University of Denver
Friday, November 15
vs. Omaha
7 pm at Hamilton Gymnasium
$5 tickets
Promo code: GOLDCROWN

MSU Denver
Saturday, October 19
vs. Westminster College
5 pm at the Auraria Events Center
More details coming soon!

University of Colorado
Friday, November 1
vs. University of Arizona
7 pm at the CU Event Center
Kids 8th grade and under are FREE! $5 tickets available for adults and older siblings
Pre-game: Meet behind Section 1 with 10:50 left on the game clock to participate in the Fan Tunnel!
Post-game: Meet behind Section 16 to enter the "Serve-It-Up" contest on the court, then take a group picture!
$5 Tickets for parents, kids 8th grade and under are free! Purchase tickets at and use GOLDCROWN.