The hub for the youth athlete in your life. Check out training videos, health huddle content, and overall tips to improve their game, on and off the court. Most of the drills can be performed on your own.
Basketball Training Academy
Train with Coach Kalhie! Kalhie comes equipped with years of basketball experience as a player and a coach and is a great fit to motivate and teach your child skill work. Get ready to grow their game!
- Gold Crown Basketball Coach: Hanzlik Camps, Training Series, Her Time To Play, PDL
- Jr. NBA Colorado Coach of the Year, 2024
- Otero JC, Utah State, University of Alaska Anchorage
- Voted All-Great Northwest Athletic Conference Second Team and GNAC Newcomer of the Year
- Most Outstanding Player of NCAA West Regional and Team co-MVP
Individual ($85/hour) and Small Group Trainings - 2-5 players ($135/hour) available. All trainings take place at the Gold Crown Field House, subject to gym availability.

Basketball Skills and Drills
Basic Basketball Warm-Up With Ball
Three Types Of Crossovers To Attack The Basket
Range Finding Shooting Drills
Volleyball Skills and Drills
Grab a volleyball and bring a good attitude! These are great drills players can practice at home to boost their volleyball skills on the court.
Ball Control
Underhand Serve
Health Huddle Blogs
Sobreentrenamiento y agotamiento en los jóvenes deportistas
¿Has oído hablar del síndrome de sobreentrenamiento? Sí, existe. Y cada vez lo vemos más en los deportes juveniles, en gran parte debido a que los programas de los clubes exigen...
La verdad sobre los adolescentes y el vapeo
Si enciendes las noticias esta noche o mañana, sin duda verás un reportaje sobre vapear y los adolescentes. Ahora mismo es el tema más candente en todo el país y al menos 6*...
Vuelta al juego tras una conmoción cerebral
Si alguna vez has estado en el Gold Crown Field House, probablemente habrás visto a Amber, nuestra entrenadora de atletismo titulada, ya sea en su oficina trabajando con un jugador o...
Flag Football Skills and Drills
Put the work in at home to make your a more explosive player who is harder to stop on the field.
W - Drill
Hip Turns
Dip or Jap Step
Preparando niños para el juego de la vida