Success! C2C Pathways participants present final projects to industry leaders

This year’s C2C (Clubhouse to College/Career) Pathways to Success participants presented their final projects from Phase 2 of the program (Job Shadowing and Workforce Readiness) on June 1st at the Gold Crown Clubhouse at Edgewater. The 13 youth, ages 16-21, have spent the last four months working on these projects in teams with real-world partners.  This included AMD Architecture, FirstBank, Habitat for Humanity, Children’s Hospital Colorado Gait Lab, iFuzion, Integer Group, and DiNK.

Each group gave a 15 minute presentation on what their project was, an overview of their team dynamics and how they worked together, and what their process was for executing their final project.

All of the participants will now begin paid summer internships (Phase 3) at various companies in the Denver metro area. Each participant was given a 200 dollar spending allowance in Belmar to find internship attire and will spend at least 100 hours working and learning about different industries.

Looking for more information about C2C Pathways to Success? Want to be a 2019-20 participant or industry partner? View more information.