9 Life Lessons Golf Can Teach Your Kid…and You

It’s no secret that sports teach life lessons. Team sports are regularly hyped as a great way to teach youth lessons about the sport itself and life in general. Players in Gold Crown Foundation leagues over the years have learned basketball and volleyball skills while also learning how to work with others to reach a common goal.

But what about golf? What types of lessons can we learn from an individual sport like golf?

Kevin Duy, a father of three boys, put together a list of 9 life lessons kids can learn by playing golf and the majority of these will probably resonate with adults, too.

  1. The First Shot Is Often The Toughest 

If you've ever played golf, you know all about the first tee jitters. There you are, on the first tee box. Everyone, including the foursome of guys with the next tee time, is watching you. Quietly waiting for you to hit your ball. Tons of thoughts rush through your head.

"Don't shank this. Please let me hit a good one. Nice and easy. Keep your head down! OK, here we go. You've got this. Smooth back swing...DON'T HOOK IT......DOH! Son of a!...You hooked it... Idiot!"  

Regardless of the result, just getting the ball out there and off the first tee box is a big relief. From there on out, that nervous feeling you felt on your first shot is gone. Now you can just play.

LIFE LESSON: If you have a goal you want to reach, the most difficult thing is taking that first step toward it. But once you do, you'll feel a lot better.

What are lessons 1-8? Read the rest of Duy’s commentary HERE.

Interested in a Gold Crown golf program? Check out our Fall Events.